MDS Center

by EMSCO powered by GWT-TUD GmbH



The “MDS Center” app supports physicians who treat MDS with a range of helpful tools: an interactive therapy algorithm and a study finder, calculators for the classification and prognosis of MDS/CMML are intended to help physicians with their work.The app was developed by MDS experts under the coordination of the European Myelodysplastic Syndromes Cooperative Group (EMSCO) .The following functions are included:• Interactive therapy algorithm for MDS and CMML, which guides you step by step to therapy according to the current guidelines. In addition, study options that are suitable for the respective therapy are displayed on request.• Study finder: for an uncomplicated search for current studies in the field of MDS and CMML in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. A study overview provides an overview of the entire spectrum of studies. A detailed search allows a study search according to certain criteria such as diagnosis, phase, symptoms, therapy line or location of the study centers. The search leads to suitable studies with their detailed description and details of all participating centers as well as contact details. The study options are updated regularly - no app update is required, just an internet connection.• Classification: interactive calculator for the MDS/CMML WHO classifications of 2016 and 2008 as well as general overviews to compare the calculated results.• Prognosis: calculator for determining the IPSS, IPSS-R and CPSS-Mol, including overviews for reference.• News: provides updates from the MDS network.• Knowledge: scientific contributions from various MDS experts complete the offer.An app from physicians for physicians and professionals to support the treatment of MDS and CMML.